Hat Tip to Battle of Britain for this one.
POLITICALLY correct MoD officials are to issue free hijabs to female Muslim troops — while front line soldiers are having to buy their own kit.
Under new service dress regulations, six of the Islamic hijabs will be given to each Muslim servicewoman wanting them.
But it has sparked fury amid an MoD cash crisis. Squaddies also claim the hand-out is unfair as they pay out of their own pockets to observe strict military dress rules.
The Sun can also reveal that so far, NONE of the ten serving female Muslims even wants to wear hijabs at work.
But MoD officials have ordered a batch of 95 — costing hundreds to the taxpayer — just in case new recruits do.
**Shame that they can not supply decent kit, or enough body armour to our troops fighting out in Arab lands. Just in case the troops might want some that is.
One serving NCO told The Sun last night: “It’s stupid officials being too PC again, spending money on pointless things rather than on the front line.”
New rules also excuse Muslim women from wearing skirts but the veil is still banned for practical reasons.
MoD chiefs hope to attract more Muslim women, prized due to their rare, natural cover.
Earlier this year squaddies in Iraq were forced to buy their own kit.
One dog handler forked out £85 for new boots after his feet were left in agony by ill-fitting kit.
**Well done New Liebour, enough money in the coffers to be all pc about hajabs for the troops but not enough for body armour or equipment for the front line soldiers. Whilst at the same time back bench Liebour shits like Paul Flynn crow on about how we are losing in Afghanistan each time a soldier dies thanks to their own party not putting enough money into where it is really needed. Amoral cunts the lot of them...
Tags: Hajabs, Big Brother, Cool Britannia, Political Correctness
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