ROP and Compass Direct reported:
KADUNA, Nigeria, October 22 (Compass Direct News) – One man has been killed with a sword and another bludgeoned to death in this city in central northern Nigeria following Muslim leaders’ appeal to wage violent jihad against youthful Christians. Muslim extremists on October 12 murdered Henry Emmanuel Ogbaje, a 24-year-old Christian, at an area known as Gamji Gate. The following day, church leaders said, a young Christia the Rev. Joshua Magaji n identified only as Basil was beaten to death with wooden clubs in the same area. Elder Saidu Dogo, secretary of the northern Nigeria chapter of the Christian Association of Nigeria, told Compass that Islamic leader Sheik Gumi had urged Muslims to wage jihad against Christians in televised broadcasts during the Islamic month-long observance of Ramadan. “He specifically called for a jihad,” Dogo told Compass, “and that when they go killing they should not kill the elderly people, because the elderly have spent their years already, but that Muslims should kill young Christians.”
Now for a shaggy Mo-dog story: Swedish artist Lars Vilks, whose drawings of Mohammed as a “roundabout dog” have provoked the most recent round of Islamic seething and threatening, has acquired a dog for protection.
And named it Mohammed.
Meanwhile in Eurabia...Read the story from LGF:
Disturbances broke out for a sixth successive night in an immigrant quarter of Amsterdam when four cars were set on fire, police said.
The unrest started after police shot dead a man of Moroccan origin last weekend who had stabbed and injured two officers.
The fires brought the total number of burnt cars to 11, a police spokesman said.
The 22-year-old Moroccan had been undergoing treatment for psychiatric problems and had in the past been questioned over contacts with Islamic militants linked to the murderer of Dutch filmmaker Theo van Gogh.
Klein Verzet has much more information on the disturbances: Suicide attack in Amsterdam.
Meanwhile some people are waking up to the Islamist threat to democracy...
STOP KUFFARPHOBIA AND KALIFASCISM!LONDON DEMONSTRATION 26th OCTOBER 2007An event organised by “Stop Islamisation Of Europe” (SIOE)
To coincide with Islamo-fascism Awareness week in which events are being held across the USA highlighting the bullying by Islamists against non-Muslims throughout the world.
To protest against Kuffarphobia – the irrational fear and loathing of non-Muslims by Islamists.
To protest against the persecution of non-Muslims via Sharia law in Islamic countries.To protest against the under-reporting or even total lack of reporting about such persecution in Western media.
To protest against the Islamisation of Europe by the changing of existing Western laws and practices to suit Islamic practices, in the name of “multicultural diversity”.
To protest against the entry of Turkey into the European Union especially now it has elected an openly Islamist Prime Minister and government who wish to replace secularism with Sharia law.
To protest against the second-class status of women in Islamic countries, particularly regarding sexuality, jurisprudence and education.http://sioe.wordpress.com/2007/09/28/stop-kuffarphobia-demonstration-london-26th-october/
And in Pakistans tribal area we see some tolerance of womens rights..."Girls’ school blown up in NWA," from Agence France Presse (thanks to Dav):
MIRANSHAH: Pro-Taliban militants blew up a girls' school in restive tribal area bordering Afghanistan, security officials said on Sunday.
The school building was destroyed in the attack in Miranshah, the main town in North Waziristan region, after militants planted explosives there late Saturday, a security official said on condition of anonymity. "There were no casualties as the building was empty," he added. The attack came amid an upsurge in violence in Pakistan's deeply conservative tribal zone where militants consider female education un-Islamic.
Meanwhile Pasha Blair states: Terror threat akin to rise of fascism: Blair
LONDON: Tony Blair has compared the threat of Muslim extremism to the rise of fascism and warned that Britain must not waver in its fight against terrorists. The former prime minister also criticised “some of our own circles” for arguing that the West had provoked Islamist groups to commit terror acts.
In his first major speech since leaving office, he also condemned the “demonic skill” deployed by Muslim extremists and singled out Iran for backing and financing terror to destabilise other countries.
His defiant stance is likely to be contrasted with Gordon Brown’s decision to withdraw thousands of British troops from Iraq over coming months.
Blair argued that Britain needs to show “even greater determination and belief” in standing up for its values.Speaking at a charity dinner at New York’s Waldorf Astoria Hotel, he said: “Analogies with the past are never properly accurate and analogies especially with the rising fascism can be easily misleading, but in pure chronology I sometimes wonder if we’re not in the 1920s or 1930s again.”
Blair said the world should not be “forced into retreat” in an attempt to appease extremists whom he accused of using the Israeli-Palestinian dispute to play on the “fears and grievances” of Muslims.
He added: “There is a tendency even now, even in some of our own circles, to believe that they are as they are because we have provoked them and if we left them alone they would leave us alone. I fear this is mistaken. “They have made their choice and leave us with only one to make - to be forced into retreat or to exhibit even greater determination and belief in standing up for our values than they do in standing up for theirs.”Blair added: “This struggle is far from over. The ideology driving this extremism and terror is not exhausted. On the contrary, it believes it can and will exhaust us first.” – London Evening Standard
**Maybe his time in the middle east has opened his eyes, after all when he was PM here in the UK he was always going on about how nice the islamic faith was, the benefits of being in a multicultural society etc etc. In short a typical politician who says one think in power and another after leaving office.
In fact many can remember Blair treating ay who complained about migration of moslems and hate clerics being tarred by New Labour as rascists, first they stifled debate now they wish to resolve a problem that they helped to cause.
Tags: Islam, moslems, Jihad, Terrorism, Political Correctness, Jihadists Islamofascismr
Oh and all is not well with moslems in the Tory party...
The Conservative Muslim Forum, a body set up by David Cameron to advise the Conservatives on Muslim issues has criticised the Government's relationship with Israel and concluded that Iran has "legitimate" reasons for wanting nuclear weapons.
The Conservative Muslim Forum also wants the compulsory history curriculum in schools changed to give "full recognition to the massive contribution that Islam has made to the development of Western civilisation". It also argues that preachers who advocate a rejection of democracy and its institutions should not be denied entry into Britain. Conservatives chase Muslim votes (more)
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