Labour's favourite thinktank yesterday named the migrant groups which are a drain on the taxpayer.
Immigrants from Somalia, Turkey, Bangladesh, Pakistan and Iran are most likely to be out of work and claiming state benefits, it said.
There tend to be high numbers of asylum seekers among those groups who have failed to take advantage of the opportunities offered by Britain's open economy, a study found.
**Strange how they are all from moslem nations, maybe its the appeal of a life of indolence and ease in our benefits culture that attracts them...**Or perhaps landing themselves an English wife complete with passport...
The figures show that Somalis in Britain are the worst- off migrant group. Fewer than one in five has a job and four out of five live in subsidised council or housing association homes.
The institute report said: 'There are some immigrant communities who rank consistently lower on most indicators than the UK average.
The institute's latest findings come in the wake of Whitehall's revision of the expected levels of future immigration to almost two million in the next decade and the declaration by a Home Office minister of 'the need for swift and sweeping changes to the immigration system'.**Britain has always had a long history of migrants out to loot the nation...
Gordon Brown has spoken of 'British jobs for British workers' and is bringing in a points-based immigration system, which will give priority to those with education, skills and high earnings.
But some migrant groups have failed to turn educational success into economic success. Groups whose children have not done well in school include Bangladeshis, Pakistanis, Turks and Somalis.
Tags:Cool Britannia
New Labour
Illegal Migrants
Benefit Scroungers
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