Hat tip to jihadwatch
and also Shire Network News for the photo below and the comment: "This is one of the very buses blown up by a devout Muslim 2 years ago. Maybe they should be spending their money convincing devout Muslims it's a Religion of Peace™ rather than me."

An advertising campaign promoting British Muslims as integrated citizens who reject extremism has been launched.
Islam is Peace - formed after the bombings in London in July 2005 - has initially placed adverts on the capital's buses and Underground trains.
They show a range of Muslims - including a policewoman, a Scout group and the chef Michael Barry - with the slogan "Proud to be a British Muslim".
Organisers say research shows many Britons associate Islam with terrorism.**Oh and also slavery, something that many moslem states still practise.
When the calls for holy jihad stop, when the honour killings stop, when referring to Christians and other non moslems as Kuffir stop, when the terror plots against the West/Israel stop, when demo's over cartoons stop, when Sir Salman Rushdie can walk free of a fatwa; then and only then will I start to believe it is a religion of peace.
Political Correctness
religion of peace
3 people have spoken:
Again, I have to point out that it's Muslims who are the problems and who HAVE a problem.
We simply don't see the same levels of wickedness in the Sikh and Hindhu communities who on the whole really are peaceful. I think this line needs to be pushed more by the government. It's not Asians who are the problem but Muslims.
True, strange how its only the moslems who need to advertise how peaceful they are, unlike the hindu's and all the other religions.
In terms of forming social bonds with neighbours the Hindus and Sikhs win every time.
Our political class just don't (or perhaps wont) see what is happening under our very noses.
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