AN airport boss who was suspended after he hung a picture of Jesus on a staffroom wall could be a victim religious discrimination, it is claimed.
The M.E.N. revealed how car parks supervisor Gareth Langmead, who is Catholic, was sent home after a Muslim colleague complained.
Mr Langmead was suspended for three days while Manchester Airport chiefs investigated the complaint. He was reinstated without a blemish on his record. But John Peel, of Eccles-based Employment Law Advisory Services, said Mr Langmead might be able to make a compensation claim against the airport.
He said: "Under religious belief rules, he could argue he had been treated differently from people who are allowed to practice their faith in work time. "He could easily argue he had been singled out simply because he is a believer in Jesus and not another faith." Common sense Mr Peel said the airport should have used `common sense' and added: "The easiest way would have been to call in the staff member to ask him why he put it up.
His bosses should have advised him a complaint had been made and suggested that, for the sake of good industrial relations, he take it down." Mr Langmead, 40, from Atherton, found the picture of the Sacred Heart of Jesus - the subject of devotion by many Catholics - in a desk drawer while cleaning out an office.
He hung it on a wall in a staff rest room - and it is understood the person who complained alleged it was an act of provocation. But an investigation found he had not acted maliciously and he was reinstated. Trade unions said his suspension was an `over-reaction'. Mohammed Shafiq, from the Rochdale-based Ramadan Foundation, a leading Muslim youth organisation, said: "We protect the right of people of different religions to wear their own religious symbols. But to put up a picture of Jesus in a communal area shared by people of different faiths and of no faith is not appropriate." He said the supervisor `should know better'. **So an oversensitive moslem takes offence, don't they all? And a chap who follows his faith is suspended from work by a bunch of pc dhimmi's. Shame on them and this nation that now follows the whims of pc politics over that of common sense.
First off to Mohammed Shafiq any religious picture in a communal area is not offensive, its an expression of faith. Its also a fact that in a free and tolerant society unlike 21 Century UK(istan) such a picture would not be an issue no matter what the faith.
Meanwhile if the oversensitive moslem who complained has a problem with a picture of a religious leader, over that of a cartoon (as published in a certain Danish magazine) of the pedophile Mohammed then this is just for him.
Please e-mail all e-fatwa's to the usual address:fidothedogster@googlemail.com

Tags: Moslems, Jihadists, Cool Britannia, Gareth Langmead, Jihad, Manchester Airport
4 people have spoken:
When I read this story from an Asian News link I saw it as little more than "typical intolerant moslem tries going off on one and is justly and fairly publicly shown to be a bigoted piece of shit"
But I think "John Peel, of Eccles based Employment Law Advisory Services" should be dragged before the courts himself and struck off for ambulance chasing. He is clearly unable to control the mouthwatering thought of all the money he'll make by persuading Mr Langmead to "make a compensation claim against the airport, arguing he had been treated differently from people who are allowed to practice their faith in work time".
And don't be in a rush to criticise the airport management. They only reacted the way they did because they don't want this moslem piece of shit have some of his martyrdom-seeking mates steal a Jeep Cherokee 4x4 and some propane cylinders.
John Peel, should be dragged before the courts himself and struck off for ambulance chasing as you said.
As for the management, they should hang their collective heads in shame and whilst looking down have a check to see if they have the testicles that they were born with.
LOL, love the pic!
God Bless
gazufar sarwar 28 highgate nelson lancs is muslem who complained to airport management he is a radical muslim loking for trouble
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