I do agree with the announcement from David Davis that the Conservative Party would end the early release scheme which would see 25,000 prisoners freed from jail this year.
After all if some thieving scumbag is jailed for a year, why let him or her out just to free up a place or for good behaviour - good behaviour should be part of the conditions of prison anyway if they don't behave then let them go hungry for a few days.
Instead, a Tory government would fund 1,200 more prison places by scrapping ID cards.
Of course what really needs to be done is to make prison so bad that they do not want ever to end up there. Maybe removing the playstations, televisions, radio and other "perks" that are taken as rights these days.
Maybe if they had to do their time and had no access in any way with the outside world, such as stopping phone calls and visits from families for a start, might get it across to criminals that they have been removed from society and were there to be punished.
Also work/education programmes to keep prisoners busy, sod paying them after all they are paying a debt back to society. Those who refuse to work or learn a trade, well that's fine but don't bother turning up at meal times as no food will be given.
Then we need to remove the open prisons, some of which have become little more than hotels were criminals can quite literally walk out the front door. Mind you we could keep the open prison, just that were I in charge of them no prisoners would be walking out the front door, at least not unless the entire chain gang decided to walk out damn slowly whilst weighed down with a ball and chain each!
Mind as they would be wearing pink uniforms I don't think they would want to leave the confines of the prison.
As for running the penal system, well someone like Joe Arpaio would be the perfect candidate.
Now that ladies and gents is: Tough on crime and tough on the causes of crime.
Tags: Prisons, Justice, Crime, Punishment, UK
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