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Propogada here in Newport(istan) - Workers get taste of Muslim faith.

The South Wales Argus - ran this fluff article on the waste of money, worth checking out the comments as may of the readers of the Argus were not to amused by it.

PUBLIC sector workers from all over Gwent experienced life in a mosque as part of a day aimed at raising awareness about the Muslim faith.

Police officers, social service and community development workers were just some of the people who spent yesterday at the Shah Poran Bangladeshi Jame mosque, also known as a masjid, in Maindee.

The day incorporated all aspects of the Islamic faith including a talk about Muslims in Britain, jihad and the portrayal of terrorism as well as a question and answer session with a female Muslim about the status of women in Islam.

Guests were also treated to an Indian meal as part of a day aimed at dispelling myths surrounding the Islamic faith and helping to promote good working relationships between workers in the public sector and the Muslim community of Newport.

The courses have been run in mosques all over the UK and organisers of the event were pleased with the outcome of yesterday's course.

Shajan Miah, a communities first development worker who organised the event said: "I thought the day went very successfully, people from the feedback we've got said they've learned so much."

He added: "I'd like to thank the mosque committee who allowed me to do this course for non-Muslim professionals and encourage other mosques to open their doors."

Mike Davies, a community safety coordinator at Newport Central police station said: "We found the course very informative and very engaging - an excellent course about Muslims and the Islamic faith.

"It should enhance the way the police can provide service to the Muslim community."

The Freethinker had this to say:

Yes, we’ve heard about the status of women in Islam. Unfortunately, the Argus story doesn’t tell us just what impressions the public-sector workers came away with, because local and regional journalism tends – with the odd exception, no doubt – to be a rewrite of the press release and about as searching, as probing, as in-depth as a nursery rhyme.

The story does not tell us, either, how much it all cost in terms of lost time, when employees who are paid out of the public purse, in an age of rising council-tax bills, could have learned as much with half an hour’s reading of a briefing document.

**No wonder the council tax bills are spiraling ever upwards when council employees can blag a freebie day off - with pay to learn about Islam. Not that I blame the council employees as were I offered a day away from work -with pay - I would say "Thanks very much.", but instead I think that whoever dreamed up this waste of cash should be handed their P45 and shown the door.

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Hat tip to The Peoples Rep. of Newport who was also not too amused.


1 people have spoken:

The Green Arrow said...

The sooner we have a BNP government where the police are employed to "Enforce The Law" and not provide a service the better.

If I want service I go to a shop.