

The National Debt Clock.

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By their friends ye shall know them.

So what does that tell us of Paul Flynn MP who comes out in support of Chief Constables Brudtrom & Ian Blair. From his webshyte, read my shit - sorry Day:

Hounding Chief Constables is a new blood sport.

Brunstrom in North Wales and Ian Blair in London shared a wonderful record in reducing crime in the past two years. Brunstrom has bravely faced down the ridicule of the tabloids and cut road traffic deaths remarkably.

Also he lays into the House of Lords in the same article, maybe that has something to do with the amount of crap New Liebour laws that they are throwing back to the House.

Still if Mr Flynn is against the House of Lords, that in my view is a very good case for keeping the Lords intact. After all a proven liar, a libel case loser and terrorist hugger(his attempted fawning trip to North Korea & pro taliban views) and someone who voted for ID cards is hardly someone I would trust with the nations future...

Nice to see Mr Flynn coming out for someone who made the news for using a dead chaps photo(Brunstrom)

Oh and some more on him: http://www.abd.org.uk/brunstrom.htm

As for Ian Blair well we have the stories of credit cards being used for all sorts, plus the fact that Blair has dodged, spun and otherwise covered his arse over the shooting in London.

Lastly here is the traffic taliban getting a tasering:



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