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Dumb Britain

Are these the most stupid criminals in the UK? Hat tip to Fulham Reactionary,

Go on lads, carry out a crime then pose for the camera, then realise that maybe just maybe that was not such a good idea. Here are two of the dumb criminals, another sign that their genetic pond has become stagnant.

Minutes after attacking a teenager on a commuter train, these young lads shamelessly posed for CCTV footage.

Then, astonishingly, they tried to cover up their faces with their scarves and jumpers once they realised what they'd done.

The three youths had just mugged a 15-year-old for his mobile phone and iPod after jumping on him on the train to Guildford, Surrey.

They punched him repeatedly in the face before pinning him down and stealing his possessions.

The victim fled the train at Effingham Junction after the attack, which took place between Leatherhead and Effingham Junction around 4pm on 13 September.

But the suspects remained on board and strutted in front of the train's security cameras, brazenly pulling faces and making themselves easily identifiable.
**And was it not a New Labour minister who said that today's generation was the best educated ever? Well thats as maybe , but not these shining examples of a successful education system.


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