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Freedom of speech - If you want to be shot.

If you know what's good for you. Then you don't raise your voice against the lovely Hugo.

Gunmen in Venezuela have opened fire on students returning from a peaceful march in Caracas against President Hugo Chavez's planned consitutional reforms.

Keep quiet against the peace loving socialist cunts or die.Gunmen in Venezuela have opened fire on students returning from a peaceful march in Caracas against President Hugo Chavez's planned consitutional reforms.
No doubt this wouthless twat would justify innocent people being shot for opposing the socialist leader: http://councillorterrykelly.blogspot.com/

No word of protest from the asshats like Danny Glover and other "stars" who flew out to fawn over the new hip dictator on the block.

2 people have spoken:

Anonymous said...

There's a strong Muslim involvement in these events. From http://sultanknish.blogspot.com/2007/11/arab-muslim-invasion-of-south-america.html

"The Arab Invasion of South America
When students protesting Hugo Chavez's plan to make himself into a dictator for life protested in Caracas chanting "Freedom", the riot police that smashed through their ranks were under the supervision of Deputy Justice Minister Tarik or Tareck El-Aissami.

In his early thirties Tarik El-Assimi is one of the younger men to have held such a post. His father Carlos el-Aissami headed the Venezuelan branch of the Baath Party, while his great-uncle Shibli el-Aissami was a close Saddam ally and served as assistant to the Secretary General of the Baath Party.

Before the invasion of Iraq, Carlos El-Aissami held a press conference in which he described himself as a Taliban and called Osama Bin Laden, "the great Mujahedeen, Sheik Osama bin Laden". The son, Tareck el-Aissimi who headed up Venezuela's visa department and now serves as deputy justice minister, began as student union leader supervising drug dealing and a car theft ring, while intimidating his rivals. He maintained links to terrorist organizations. With the rise of Chavez, Tariq El-Aissimi's rise began as well."

MathewK said...

And there never will be word from the hollywood wankers Fido, they're only trying their darndest to screw over America as well, so it can also be become like a Venezuela.