

The National Debt Clock.

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Gordon cyclops Brown - playing on paranoia.

Yes there is a real fear of terrorism but again Gordon misses the correct target..

But all this talk of added security at railway stations, bus stations, sports events etc etc is just a knee jerk reaction and poorly thought out. Ok, forward planning has never been a New Labour trait but this is stupid even by their levels.

First off all this is going to do is cause delays for the public, secondly it is not aimed at those who cause the problem in the first place. Where as back in the 70's/80's most of our terrorists were of the Irish type, these days its radical moslems.

Even when New Labour brought in the checks at airports I said that that was a crap idea, it like these measures should have been aimed at the moslems, after all they do have a bit of a reputation for shoe bombing attempts and plane hijackings.

If anyone should be stopped and searched at stops, train stations and the like then it is the moslems. After all they are the ones who attempt to fry airports and plant bombs in London, they are the ones who explode on tube trains and London buses.

I quote Gordon here: "
'In the most sensitive locations, for example some large rail stations - and whilst doing everything to avoid inconvenience to passengers - we are planning additional screening of baggage and passenger searches."

It is currently unclear who will bear the costs of any security improvements, although its a good bet the council tax bills will be rising again! Maybe a security tax on moslems might encourage them to turn in the jihadists.

Listening to Gordon he hardly mentions the fact that the terror attacks and attempted attacks have all been down to "radical moslems", lots of buzz words about inclusiveness and a better society and freedom for all faiths. Would that those concepts were explained in depth to the jihadists in the mosques.



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