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Japan starts whaling

The Japanese are giving two fingers to the tree hugging eco tossers, well done Japan.

Cull em all and turn the whales into fucking dog food.

I shall end with a comment by A A Gill:
"But let me tell you, you Peruvian-hatted puritan apostles of grassy nihilism, the single hottest problem facing the planet is not global warming, but the viciously smug fundamentalist prohibitionists of the green movement. Those wholemealy-mouthed ecologists, who devoutly wish to reduce everyone else’s existence to a self-righteous nose-drip probity that never moves more than four miles from the communal yurt, never eats anything that hasn’t been grown in the communal dung and never thinks anything that isn’t collectively miserabilist, are going to destroy life as we know it faster than an equator of traffic jams, a continent of unlagged lofts and a squadron of circling jumbos.

What is stopping vast numbers of perfectly decent concerned folk getting with the programme is the eye-rolling, dismissive loathing of the people yelling at them to get with the programme. Frankly, they would rather go up in smoke than share a tent with you lot"



2 people have spoken:

MathewK said...

Apparently the Sea Shepard, Greenpeace's warship, who says leftists are only non-violent, is heading down there to take on the whalers. The Japs are threatening to open the can on their asses, so it'll be interesting to see what happens.

Fidothedog said...

Non violent leftists, thats a laugh. Lets hope the Japs make them swim home.