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Mo-Teddy-crisis Gillian Gibbons - post 2.

**Update charge of inciting religious hatred brought

KHARTOUM, Sudan (AP) — Sudan charged a British teacher Wednesday with inciting religious hatred after she allowed her students to name a teddy bear Muhammad, an offense that could subject her to 40 lashes, the country's official news agency reported....

British teacher has been arrested in Sudan for allowing her seven-year-old students to name a teddy bear Mohammed, the British Embassy said.

Gillian Gibbons was detained yesterday on suspicion of insulting the Prophet Mohammed.

Colleagues of the 54-year-old teacher from Liverpool told Reuters they feared for her safety after receiving reports that young men were gathering outside the Khartoum police station where she was being held.

Young men like "Islamic Rage Boy"?...Here we see Mo-Teddy hat tip to The Poolbar

British officials said it remained unclear whether she had been formally charged.

Ms Gibbons was arrested after it emerged that she allowed her class at Unity High School in central Khartoum choose the name for the stuffed toy as part of a school project.

A spokesman for the British Embassy in Khartoum said: "The children chose the name because it is very common here.

"This happened in September and the parents did not have a problem with it.

"We are in contact with the authorities here and they have visited the teacher and she is in a good condition."

Robert Boulos, the director of the school, told Reuters that Ms Gibbons set up the project as part of a British National Curriculum course to learn about animals. This year's animal was the bear, and Ms Gibbons asked the children to name the stuffed toy.

Mr Boulos said the children came up with eight names including Abdullah and Hassan, but Mohammed proved by far the most popular.

From The Sun

A PUPIL of the British teacher facing 40 lashes for naming a teddy bear Mohammed leapt to her defence yesterday.

The seven-year-old said he suggested the name – after HIMSELF, not the Islamic prophet.

And he says he would be upset if jailed Gillian Gibbons never came back to teach at Unity High School in Sudan’s capital Khartoum.

She faces 40 lashes or six months jail if convicted of insulting Islam.

According to The Daily Mail

A Sudanese embassy official has said that he thinks that the British woman who is facing 40 lashes in Sudan for naming a teddy Mohammed could soon be free.

Dr Khalid al Mubarak, a spokesman for the Sudanese embassy in London, told BBC Radio 4's PM that the police had no choice but to follow procedure following a complaint from a parent.

However, he added that he was "pretty certain" the "minute" issue would be resolved amicably and Gillian Gibbons "will be safe and will be cleared".

Bottler Brown needs to get his head out from up his arse and inform these Sudanese goat fuckers to hand her over asap.

Guess as New Labour's Kim Howells would say its those "shared values." that we have with the moslem world...

**Theodore (Teddy) Roosevelt, must be spinning in his grave.

Oi! Sudan, here is a proper Teddy bear for you.
And whilst Gillian Gibbons sits in a Sudanese jail no doubt worried sick about what may happen to her at the hands of some illiterate barbarians, here in the UK the government sits around doing sweet FA. Whilst in London only the other week Red Ken Livingstone & the MCB released a report on Islamophobia.

So somewhere between £30,000 and £50,000 of public money has been pissed away, spent on this report. A report that claims the media shows a distorted view of islam, well no it is islam that shows itself up for the barbaric faith that it is with acts like this. Indeed money wasted as the news today that this teacher has been charged shows exactly how barbaric and medieval islam is and how its has no idea of common sense or proportion.

Maybe Red Ken Livingstone or the MCB who helped draw up this report would care to comment on how the media is "islamophobic" in reporting this savagery?

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3 people have spoken:

MathewK said...

She's been charged now and the savages will have their blood. Gordon Brown do something, fat chance, he's about as useful to this woman's cause as the savages waiting outside the police station.

She should never have bothered, if you want to help go to a country where these savages are not in charge. Funny how we never hear of this crap from other countries in Africa, yet all religions are equal aren't they.

Fidothedog said...

I think we need to play a game of pass the nuke with the moslem world.

Anonymous said...

My first impulse was to get me a Teddy Bear & name it Mohammed or however you want to spell it. (They can't even seem to agree on the spelling). Everyone should. Not as someone suggested, have an identifiable manufacturer who would surely be jepordized (spelt that wrong), but every other person who is outraged at one particular religion being whipped up by their leaders and threatening the rest of the world. I am of the opinion that if I don't choose Islam or Christianity, I am not bound by their rules. Out of courtesy I respect their rules, but if I am forced I will retaliate. How dare they. Until public outcry starts to control their behaviour they will continue to act like spoiled children in need of some discipline. I think it is time for one hundred million teddy bears named Mohammed