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MP's corrupt amoral pigs rooting for more cash.

Well the overpaid corrupt and shiftless hogs that pass for MP's here in the UK are getting ready to stick their snouts into the public coffers again. Apparently the poor fuckers can not live on the huge amount that we taxpayers pay them.. elected pigs push for more money.

MPs face a battle with Gordon Brown to secure an above-inflation pay increase when the official recommendations on parliamentary salaries are published this month.Ministers have already received a report from the Senior Salaries Review Body, which helps to set MPs’ pay and allowances every three years.
It recommends that MPs receive an increase to the basic salary of £60,277 of more than the current rate of inflation, according to an official who has seen it.

Mr Brown is determined to hold increases to the same inflation-matching rate as that offered to nurses and other public sector workers. The Government will also oppose a suggestion that taxpayers fund MPs’ constituency offices directly.
However, ministers are likely to accept that the incidental expenditure allowance should be brought under control.MPs' expenses averaged about £134,000 last year on top of their £60,000 salaries:

Now few of us outside of the ivory towers of the House, could ever dream of £60K a year, yet alone another average of £134K in fiddles, dodges, second houses and whatever else the amoral fucks can blag off of our money.

My own view is that their wages should be reduced by 70% to reflect the amount of work that they do, and also to reflect the workload that has been outsourced by the EU. Never before have workers had their workload reduced as more and more of the governments powers are shifted to Europe.

**Apologies to pigs as although they were used as a term to describe the so called Rt. Hon Members, I think that this is unfair on pigs who can help their nature unlike that of our MP's.


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