Hundreds of people who will have to spend Christmas in a caravan after the July floods are featured on a festive card being sent to the Prime Minister.
Student photographer Becky Jeal and Tewkesbury resident Julie Irwin came up with the idea to raise the profile of displaced families.
"It's a gentle reminder for Gordon Brown while he's enjoying his Christmas dinner with his family," said Ms Irwin.
Residents can also send a postcard of their personal story to the PM.
"We came up with the idea over a cup of tea in the caravan," said Ms Irwin.
**Yep, billions pissed away on projects in the 3rd world and yet our own citizens can go fuck themselves.
"I said to Becky I was worried over what we could and couldn't manage to do for the children this Christmas and we realised there were hundreds of people like us around the county and in Hull." Strange how now the cameras are off this subject the New Liebour government has been laughing at the flood victims and focusing on people who are nothing to do with this nation.
"Behind every image on the card there's a story, some of insurance discrepancies, some of problem builders and old people who don't know the value of the things they lost when the water came into their homes and don't know who to talk to," said Ms Irwin.
As well as the card, which has been produced with help from local professional photographer Tim Aston, 1,000 postcards have been printed with the Prime Minister's address.
"We wanted to give people a vehicle to tell their stories. Now that the world's media has gone we've become forgotten Tewkesbury," she said.
Local businesses have agreed to put the postcards in shop windows and newsagents will put them into local papers over the coming weeks.
"The spirit and courage of people here is humbling; they're just getting on with life, coping and not making a fuss, so this is for them," she added.
The Christmas card will also be sent to the Queen, to Hilary Benn and to planning committees in Gloucestershire and Humberside.
**New Liebour looking after our people? Not a bloody chance, shame on these amoral fucks.
Tags: Floods, Cool Britannia New Labour
2 people have spoken:
Shame Gordon shame. though i'm sure he'll never get any of them, he'll enjoy his "happy-holidays" dinner regardless.
Yep El Gordon has his working eye elsewhere. You can bet were they illegal child raping/police woman shooting Somali scum that Gordon would find council housing for them in no time at all.
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