Local gobshyte and libel case loser, MP Paul Flynn does bottler Browns work for him in laying into defense chiefs who dared to critcise the unelected PM bottler Brown this week.
Flynn the well known military expert who has spent a life in politics and of course knows far more than ex-military staff ever would quoted forth:
This years prize for team hypocrisy goes to the retired military buffoons who savaged Gordon Brown last week.**Military buffoons? This from a man who has said nothing on slum housing for troops, nothing on understaffing, nothing on poor equipment and nothing on the hypocrisy of his own party who start wars for political ends then fail to supply the troops with the tools or men to do the job.
It not the budget that is the problem, it's our excessive commitments in war zones.
**That would be the wars started by New Labour.
The brass hats were gung-ho for the Iraq war and the Helmand mission.
**In fact you will find that many in the military spoke out to Blair on the dangers of Iraq and Afghanistan, warned him of troop levels and what is Blair do? Spun the media on WMD and ignored all his military advise, as well as not giving the army the tools to do the job - thus causing many of the troop deaths. Aside from that the troops despite this governments piss poor treatment of them have done an outstanding job bringing security and peace to many areas.
A word of thanks for their hard work & courage would not go amiss Mr Flynn...
Our successes were in peacekeeping Sierra Leone, Bosnia and Kosova. Many of the squaddies are demoralised. Not because of cash - but because they are fighting impossible dangerous wars.
**Think Mr Flynn who trousered some £144K in expenses last year should actually talk to many of the troops who having been over there a/ see the logistical problems and b/ can spot the New Labour lies and bullshit a mile off.
Oh on your point- piss poor though it was - on impossible dangerous wars could you explain why the situation in Iraq is actually getting better as this shows.

The military establishment are always insatiable for cash. Britain spends more per head on military budgets than any country in the world except the USA. If we closed down the NHS and education and gave all the cash to the brass hats, they still would not be satisfied. Irrationally we spend far more that all our European partners.Ok, so above we see that you seem to be under the illusion that the military are hungry for money, well look at the graph - your government the one that has engaged us fighting islamic terror on two front(as well as peacekeeping missions) - has actually cut defense spending when compared with overall GDP.
All they are asking for is bottler to put that back up to previous levels now they have more to do.
Talking of the coward bottler Brown whaffled forth with this shit:
"I want to see the armed forces properly equipped with the resources that they need. And that's why we've been increasing expenditure on defence compared with the cuts under the previous government."
Under the baby eating Torys they saw defence spending at 2.9% of GDP; this year it's 2.5%; and by 2010-11 it will be 2.3% (see here, here, and here). Now that is a cut in real terms. Brown & Flynn's lies exposed again.
From Burningourmoney...
What's that? Deflating the cash spending figures by the GDP deflator shows defence spending has increased in real terms since 1997, and the government will increase it by a further 1.5% pa over the next three years?
Irrelevant. Everyone knows defence prices rise faster than average prices because of all that new fangled kit. Plus, the forces wage bill rises in line with incomes. Everyone knows that, don't they? The GDP deflator is a red herring- the only sensible broadbrush comparison is with overall GDP.
Sure, as a percentage of GDP, spending has been falling for as long as any of us can remember. And yes, the end of the Cold War did see a significant leg down. But the Tories, along with all Western governments, were taking the Peace Dividend (remember that?).
Anyway, WTF has that got to do with this clothead government plunging us into two HOT wars simultaneously, and cutting defence spending as a percentage of GDP at the same time?
Only a bunch of spineless reptilian incompetents would do that.
So there you have it. Mr Flynn has been unspun, his lies no doubt from bottler Brown's bunker have been exposed. Oh and next time your ill Mr Flynn as you were a few days back, aim for the light this time and do politics a favour.
If its all the same I will believe the so called military buffoons over a proven liar any day of the week, after all they do not make political capital out of the deaths of UK service personal as do you Mr Flynn.
Still I do have to laugh at a man(and I use the word loosely in Flynn's case) who defends a shallow egotistical cunt of a PM who hands out copies of his book "Courage" -oh the irony of that name- to African children.
Meanwhile talking about sleaze, something that every New Liebour MP is knee deep here here is some more on the ruling shits of the Liebour party....
A builder who has never voted in his life and lives in a £12,000 ex-council house is at the centre of mysterious donations said to amount to £196,000 made to the Labour Party.
Newcastle man Ray Ruddick is listed as the third largest donor to the Labour Party since Gordon Brown came to power. Yet the man whose financial donations are only bettered by multimillionaires Lord Sainsbury and Mahmoud Khayami claims to have never voted in his life, doesn’t like politicians and especially doesn’t like the Labour Party.
Of the £196,000 which is said to have been donated to Labour in his name £104,000 have been handed over since Gordon Brown became Prime Minister. Mr Ruddick, 55, from the Blakelaw area of Newcastle works with wealthy property developer David Abrahams, a prominent member of the Labour Party in the North. Last night Mr Abrahams, 53, refused to say whether the donations were actually made by him using Mr Ruddick’s name.
The latest list of Labour donations, which was published on Tuesday, reveals that Mr Ruddick and a woman named as Janet Kidd both made donations of £80,000 on the same day in July. In the past four years donations totalling £381,850 have been made in their names. Mrs Kidd, who is believed to work as a secretary for Mr Abrahams is also reported to have made a donation of £5000 to Deputy Labour Leader Harriet Harman. The figures were all reported in The Mail on Sunday newspaper.
When approached by a reporter about the donations made in his name Mr Ruddick said: “I can honestly tell you that under no circumstances have I made any donations to the Labour Party. That’s quite possible that Janet and myself have been set up. I can’t go into this any more. I don’t know the ins and outs of it. I’ve got a mortgage to pay. I have never voted in my life. I can’t stand Labour. I can’t stand politicians.”
After initially denying all knowledge of making the huge donations Mr Ruddick said he could remember making a donation of £80,000 to the Labour Party. He said: “I made donations to Labour on that day which totalled £80,000. Janet also made the same size donations on the same day. These are the first payments either Janet or I have given to Labour.”
Neither Mr Abrahams nor Ms Kidd could be contacted last night.
Tags:Paul Flynn
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UK Housing Bubble .
Check this story out:
Revealed: how UK banks exploit charity tax laws .
UK Banks have been using "charitable status" to offload mortgage debt from their balance sheets. Moreover, the amounts are huge.
Where is the outrage?
UK Housing Bubble .
You got to love the banks, having worked in that sector I grew to hate them, their policies of racking up debt and living off of misery.
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