Terror leaders describe America bound by Islam
Death by stoning, church bells banned, new protection tax for all non-MuslimsPosted: November 7, 20072007
Madonna and Britney Spears stoned to death? Bars and clubs closed down? Church bells banned? That's just a taste of what Americans have to look forward to if terrorists ever took over the U.S. and imposed Islamic law, according to a new book.
In one chapter of the recently released "Schmoozing with Terrorists: From Hollywood to the Holy Land, Jihadists Reveal their Global Plans – to a Jew!" author and WND Jerusalem bureau chief Aaron Klein petitioned Mideast terror leaders to describe day-to-day life in the U.S. if al-Qaida won the war on terror.
"Once Islam dominates, anyone living inside the Islamic state must abide by our rules. There is no choice. You will abide or face the punishment," said Muhammad Abdel-El, the spokesman and a senior leader of the Popular Resistance Committees terror organization.
Sheik Abu Saqer, a prominent Gaza-based preacher, a founder of the Sword of Islam terror group and a subscriber to the ideology of al-Qaida, explained if Islam controls the U.S., all American women, whether Muslim or not, must cover their hair.
"This is the demand of our religion. Being and walking naked doesn't mean that you are enjoying more freedom; it means that you are going against Allah's laws and you are serving the enemies of Islam who want to empty our Islamic society from its values.
Uncovered heads is a form of nudity."Yasser Hamad, a cleric and a Hamas leader in the northern West Bank, explained in "Schmoozing" Islamic law enforcers would at first try to persuade American woman to cover their heads, but eventually females would be forced. Those women who refuse may be stoned.
Asked by Klein whether stoning was too harsh a punishment, Hamad replied:"If you don't respect the local law in America, if you don't pay taxes, if you drive on a red light, aren't there sanctions used against you by your government? Of course there are and it's okay with you. Why is there a problem when it comes to the Islamic state that wants to impose its rules?
"Hamad and other terror leaders stated all Jews and Christians living in the U.S. once Islam takes over would need to pay the jizya – a special protection tax – and other special taxes for non-Muslims, including one for the right to cultivate land. Non-Muslims cannot own land themselves.
Saqer said no new synagogues or churches can be built in the Islamic state. Existing houses of worship may remain, but services cannot be conducted loudly or in any public fashion. The ringing of church bells or blowing of the ceremonial Jewish shofar would be forbidden, the terror leaders said.
Asked about crime and punishment, Hamad explained, "For every sin and crime there is a sanction:""Prostitution: one hundred whippings; if the prostitute was married, he or she will be stoned until death; for a thief, his hand will be cut. But before enjoying the primitive nature of Islam and before you express how much you are shocked by our rules, I must say that these are not immediate sanctions, but they are used only if the person was warned.
"Hamad explained prostitution doesn't mean selling sex; he said the Islamic definition applies the term to all extramarital sexual relations. But he boasted Islam's allowing men to marry many women was a perfect remedy for prostitution.
"In order to prevent prostitution and before reaching the sanctions of stoning or whipping, we will marry all our unmarried young. By the way, Islam allows the man to marry four women, so if he or she keeps practicing sex outside marriage and prostitution, in this case the sanctions mentioned in Quran will be used.
"The terror leaders all said alcohol would be banned and American movies and television would be shut down."American culture is very cheap and very corrupting. Your American culture is based on capitalism, on democracy, sex, and other principles that go against the nature of human beings as Allah created. We will fight all that this culture represents and promotes," said sheik Saleh Faraj, one of the main leaders of the Islamic Liberation Party in the West Bank.
What about freedom of the press in the American Islamic state? The terrorists said once Islam rules us, American media outlets that don't conform to disseminating Islamic messages will be closed. They said the NY Times, CNN, the Washington Post would all be banned.
"The media will be closed not because there will be no freedom but because what is the logic of allowing the activity of media that can endanger the political and social stability of our state?" said Nasser Abu Aziz, no. 2 of the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades terror group in the northern West Bank.
The terrorists took particular offense at the FOX News Channel, which some called a "network of evil."Abu Abdullah said, "The evil FOX encourages a lack of respect to Islam and resistance movements and will cause moral confusion and negative political influence."There is a possibility American music may be altogether banned if Islam takes over.
Saqer explained in "Schmoozing," some Islamic experts and sages, including those of the school of Egyptian scholar Sheik Yusuf al-Qaradawi, allow music; while others, like those belonging to the Islamic Salafite school, forbid music.
Asked about American pop music icons, multiple terror leaders had never heard of many top singers but Klein said they were all familiar with Madonna and Britney Spears.
"Unfortunately, I heard the names of Madonna and Spears on [Arab] television when parents complain that their children neglect their studies and their values because they are influenced by your cheap American music that you call culture," said Saqer.Hamas's Abu Abdullah said, "At the beginning, we will try to convince Madonna and Britney Spears to follow Allah's way. But I honestly don't think they will follow. If they persist with their whoring music, we will prevent them by force. I don't think that I can be in the same place with these singers. They might be killed if they do not respect our laws.
"The Committee's Abdel-El, whose group previously bombed Americans, said, "Their music video clips will be forbidden and these whores Madonna and Spears will be thrown in jail until they admit they made sins and return to the moral way. If they don't, they will be stoned to death or eighty times hit with a belt.
"Abdel-El said even before Islam takes over America, he would personally kill Madonna and Spears if he ran into them."If I meet these whores I will have the honor – I repeat, I will have the honor – to be the first one to cut the heads of Madonna and Britney Spears.
"In "Schmoozing," the terrorists stress repeatedly their goal is a worldwide Islamic caliphate."We see already in America a nucleus of Islam, a base for Islam. This will become bigger, stronger, more important, until Islam will take control and will seize the power in America and the world," said Faraj.Abdel-El affirmed, "America will be overthrown. We are seeing more and more signs that prove that the process had already started."
**There you go. Tolerant islam my arse. Coming to Europe thanks to liberal policies by the EU.
Tags:Muhammad Abdel-El
Sheik Abu Saqer
Schmoozing with Terrorists
8 people have spoken:
Sounds like a MUST READ book to me. Thanks for sharing.
Those guys are having wet dreams.
From WWII:
"You cannot invade the mainland United States. There would be a rifle behind each blade of grass."
--Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto
The day some of those assholes try to pull stuff like that, they'll find out about those 270 million firearms in the US...
No worries, if it wakes a few asshat liberals up to the threat of jihadist takeover then its worth it.
Very true Bob,especially when the jihadiloons head south of the Mason Dixon line...
Anyone who is unaware of life in Islamic countries ought to go and spend some time in one, then when they see the tolerance and splendor they can come back to the west, pack their bags and go back... oh that's right.. most are happy to come home and stay home.
Why is there a problem when it comes to the Islamic state that wants to impose its rules?
Because imposing rules means you rule the country and they don't...at least not yet. This is the global caliphate wanna bes in full flight. They've got to be stopped before we end up as another Lebanon.
Sounds like a vision of Hell to me!
I just wish the main newspapers would print this stuff so ordinary people know exactly what Muslims are really up to. Instead, the media in the UK tells a watered down, politically correct version so not to upset our Muslim friends.
Fatso I think the public are waking up, even Red Ken can not cover up the truth.
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