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Police not investigating crime.

A VILE thief was filmed stealing a Poppy Appeal box – but cops could not even be bothered to view the CCTV footage.

The furious boss of a Post Office rang police stationed just 300 yards away to report the theft, telling them the smirking culprit had been captured on camera.

He was stunned when NOBODY came to look at the film.

A week later he got a letter declaring the case was closed – and stating: “All lines of inquiry have been investigated.”
Postmaster Harbinder Singh Dhillon, 37, blasted cops yesterday, saying: “I’m not sure which is more insulting – the theft itself or the pathetic attitude of the police supposedly investigating it.”
The dad of three dipped into his own pocket to replace the stolen donations in Rochdale, Greater Manchester.
He said: “The thief is the lowest of the low – it’s a gross insult to our war dead. I was pretty optimistic we could identify him because the tape’s clear as day. I rang police immediately.
“To my astonishment I heard nothing. The police station is only a minute’s walk away but they couldn’t even be bothered to come down here to see us.”
He called on The Sun’s army of readers to identify the rat – who stuffed the British Legion box into his tracksuit.
Police said last night: “We are aware of this case and are looking into the circumstances surrounding the way it has been dealt with.
“An officer will be contacting the post office as soon as possible.”



3 people have spoken:

MathewK said...

This sounds so familiar, our police aren't that bad but our govt. under Labor, it's a government of shame, shame because if you want any action, don't call the relevant authorities, call the media instead.

Hope they take your case and they'll ring up whoever in govt. and tell them, shame, shame, do something, you shameless twit, shame on you.

Fidothedog said...

This what happens when socialists run the police force.

old and angry said...

I hope he can be identified, and the Vigilantes give him a good hiding!