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"¿Por qué no te callas?"

What the king of Spain said to Hugo Chavez, he should havea added the word "puta" on the end as well.

For those who speak not a word of Spanish he told the latino loudmouth to shut up.
Normally I have nothing good to say for royals but a well done to him for saying that.And I might as well add "¿Por qué no te callas?" to both Chavez (who appears to turning into lardy boy) & Islamic Rage Boy.
previous post on Islamic rage boy and some seathing and anger
Oh and some more.


11 people have spoken:

Anonymous said...

This is in response to the one that said "he should added the word puta at the, end, looks to me that this is the only cursing word that he knows, because adding this only word at the end to a man, shows that he doesn't know how to make sentences.

Fidothedog said...

Well start or the end, it matters not to me.

The word fits the loudmouth Chavez perfectly.

Fidothedog said...

Mind you cabron would have worked as I am sure that Mrs Chavez has to get her pleasure elsewhere...

Anonymous said...

'puta' would be nice if it were re-worded as 'y la puta madre que te parrió'. This adds quite a sting to just "why don't you shut up".
¡Así se hace su majestad!

Anonymous said...

¡Viva el Rey! ¡Viva Su Majestad! Your Majesty should have added all of the colorful vocabulary that makes Iberian Spanish so much spicier than the new World kind!

Anonymous said...

The Spaniard king should mind his own tough shit business, stay in Spain. His is not Latin Americas king. Juan Carlos, Should not comment on any of Latin American affairs. He’s not a popular elected official. When Spain re-pays all the damaged they have created in Latin America, then their voices will be heard. Until then, they should keep your mouth shut. Throughout history Spain has been a our worst enemy. First we were forced to flee the Iberia peninsula due to religion persecution and now they come again trying to overthrow legitimate elected governments?. King Kong stay away from Latin America.

Fidothedog said...

Anon, you are not socialist fuckwit Hugo Chavez are you? :-)

MathewK said...

Would be nice if Chavez would shut the hell up just for a day or two and while he's at it, do something for his country and his people instead.

Anonymous said...

I think that the King of Spain has all the right to express himself as much as Hugo Chavez keeps insulting our President and everyone that he wants. Someone finally have the cajoles (cojones) the tell him right on his face the truth. Viva el Rey de Espana!

Fidothedog said...

Yes well done the king of Spain, and well done to the Spanish who agree with his comments.

Anonymous said...
