

The National Debt Clock.

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8 things I want for 2008

Had one of them there meme things from Crucification

So here go's

1. That we all manage to get through 2008, despite the fact that the unelected cyclopedian Brown has landed us with a major fucked economy and a massive debt that shall one day have to be paid back and the clock is a ticking.
2. Brown & co get thrown out of office by the voters, that is if we actually are allowed to have a vote.
3. We leave the EU, contrary to popular belief the Sun will still rise the next day.
4. We regain control of our immigration policy.
5. Stop all aid to crap holes like The Sudan and other repressive moslem nations - we currently pay them around 135 million quid a year that would be better spent on our own nation.
6. That our troops be given the money and equipment to do the job that the socialists got them into in the first place. Labour like to start wars, yet try at every opportunity to make our troops out to be little more than baby killers and offer support to the very barbarians our troops are fighting.
7. That someone rams a steak through the heart of the global warming gravy train that is costing us a fortune in stealth taxes, once and for all.
8. That Tony "Pasha" Blair has his head removed and put on a spike at traitors gate, as an example to future generations of what happens to spivs who fuck over the UK.

Shall pass this on to.... - well anyone who wants - let me know what you want for 2008.

1 people have spoken:

Anonymous said...

Sounds good to me!