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Another day and another New Labour fuck up: Crackers are too explosive to be sent to our soldiers.

Yep thats right. Christmas crackers are deemed to explosive to be flown out and have to have the snaps removed.

Hundreds of crackers due to be sent to soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan had to be defused after it was discovered they were classed as explosives.

Major Iain Dalziel-Job, 60, of the Scots Guards Association, learned of the regulation as he prepared to send 650 Christmas parcels to the soldiers.

The British Forces Post Office website defines Christmas cracker snaps as explosives, banned on RAF aircraft.

There are no such rules for passenger aeroplanes.

Major Dalziel-Job, from Rosyth, had arranged for the festive packages to be taken by truck from Edinburgh to London on Tuesday before being handed over to the BFPO and then flown out from Brize Norton.

Safe enough for kids but the rules say its dangerous!
Only in New Labours "Cool Britannia" could this happen and only with New Labour in power would it be allowed to happen. Any government minister with any common sense would get this resolved in no time at all, but sadly it's New Labour and well rules are rules.

As the article states: "The soldiers will just have to go 'bang' themselves when they pull them." -
They can beat the terrorists but god help them from their own leaders...

4 people have spoken:

VinceP1974 said...

In America a cracker is a food item that's like stale bread shaped in a square and usually eaten with soup.

What is a cracker in your context?

Fidothedog said...

A hollow tube made of paper/cardboard with a paper hat and some crap toy inside as well as a snapper.

The snapper gives it a small bang, safe enough for children but in our nanny state the troops will have to have snapper less crackers.

MathewK said...

I can't believe it, Christmas crackers not allowed. How does someone even begin to address such bone-thick stupidity.

Fidothedog said...

Rope + Tree + New Labour MP = Solution.