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Another New Labour sleaze story. Wendy Alexander lying her fat arse off.

This time from New Liebour up in Scotland.

Wendy Alexander has broken the law, apologised, then lied and been caught lying.

Guido has all the seedy details on this one.

One can but imagine that the cowardly bottler Brown has some more stuff to write in his next book "Courage II"

More from the BBC http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/scotland/7123534.stm

Scottish Labour leader Wendy Alexander is facing continued pressure over donations to her leadership campaign.

It follows suggestions in the press that her campaign team knew there were question marks over a donation from Jersey-based businessman Paul Green.

That would appear to run contrary to statements from Ms Alexander's team.

Meanwhile, an SNP researcher, acting in a personal capacity, has asked police to investigate the donation. There has been no comment from Ms Alexander.

A £950 donation from Mr Green broke rules outlawing donations from people based offshore.

Election watchdogs at the Electoral Commission have already been in contact with Ms Alexander, looking for details of all the donations made to her campaign fund. A spokesman for the Labour leader said they were in the process of compiling that information....

**No doubt my local cunt of an MP, the proven liar and libel case loser(Paul Flynn MP) will be making an attempt to throw shit at other parties on hiw webshyte the dire - read my shit, sorry day - and vainly attempting to take the moral high ground...And behold he has! Banging on again about the Welsh Nationalists and trying to make New Liebour look whiter than white. Maybe he has been getting lessons in spin from Pasha Blair, anyway his drivel can be found here

Meanwhile unelected PM cyclops Brown go's from worse to worse(Stalin to Mr Bean) and the Spectator has a tale of how the monovisioned one is rude to staff.

From (The Spectator)

The second concerns the conduct of the Prime Minister. Disturbing reports have emerged that Gordon Brown is rude to his secretaries — or garden girls, as they are known inside Downing Street. He is said to shout at them abusively. On one occasion he is reported to have impatiently turfed one of the girls out of her chair and sat down to use the keyboard himself.

**Thats New Labour for you, polite to dubious millionaires and yet won't raise a finger to help the working man, or even UK teachers jailed by Sudanese barbarians.

All recent prime ministers — Thatcher, Major, Blair — were loved by the garden girls. All recent prime ministers from time to time endured problems. Only Gordon Brown has vented his frustration on secretaries, who can never answer back or speak for themselves. In the end this intemperate and regrettable conduct may cause him as much damage as Mr Abrahams.

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2 people have spoken:

Sir-C4' said...

Isn't Wendy's elction agent a certain Councillor Terrence Kelly?

Fidothedog said...

Not sure on that one but it would not surprise me a bit to find old TK had his dubious mits in that pie.