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Councillors Commission - Government fuckwittery.

The BBC reports on an independent Councillors Commission report that will be presented to the government. This one line struck me.
"People voting in local elections could be offered entry to a free lottery under plans to increase turnout"
No, please say this is a fucking joke? Well no. They see lower figures coming out to vote and figure that the best way is to bribe - indirectly of course by the chance of winning some loot - people to get off their arses and down to the polling station.

They should not vote for chance of free money, they should vote because they have an interest in the politicians and policies that are going to affect their lives. In short they should because it is the right thing to do. If they are that lazy that it takes a potential win to get them moving then fuck them, they don't get a vote plain & simple.

Some of their other ideas are just as crap:
The voting age could be dropped to 16
So how is that going to resolve lower turn out?
and pay and perks for councillors could be boosted in a bid to encourage people to participate in local democracy.
No, no and thrice no. People should enter politics on a local level to resolve issues, not as part of the government gravy train.

And get this one:
"It also wants "parachute payments" for council leaders who lose their seats - plans apparently opposed by ministers."
As proposed by guess who? The Councillors Commission. Look people lose seats because right or wrong the voters who get off their arses to vote have decided its time for a change, they should not be paid extra for losing. Where in that case is the effort in defending your seat, if people think they can blag a nice pay off. Besides losing is sort of like being fired, why reward people for that?
"Currently, leaders of Britain's biggest town halls, who earn up to £60,000 a year as elected politicians, lose their salaries the day they are voted out of office."
In a word or rather two: Fuck ‘em. The people have spoken, get back to work. Clear up corruption, back hand deals, sleaze and guess what people will come out and vote...
tough decisions as PrimeMinister? Don’t make me laugh!


1 people have spoken:

Fidothedog said...

No speaky da lingo?