

The National Debt Clock.

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Cyclops has a Christmas tree - Oh and the taxpayers paid for it.

The Government's Christmas cheer has cost the taxpayers—nearly half a million pounds.

So here is a video of them putting up a tree - that we paid for for Cyclops and the other leadres to enjoy in fortress Downing Street.

Indeed, they're so pleased with themselves, 10DS has posted the vid on YouTube. To enjoy the full effect, press your nose firmly against the glass.

Hat tip to BOM- Lets hope that one day the masses rise up and string the balls of our political masters from the Christmas tree as decorations, whilst hanging their dying remains from the Christmas lights.

4 people have spoken:

Unknown said...

How nice for them!
They must think our minds are that small that we would enjoy such a shit video as well.

Thought I'd leave you an uplifting quote for christmas.

☆☆Believe in your dreams and they may come true; believe in yourself and they will come true☆☆

Take care x

Unknown said...

How nice for them!
They must think our minds are that small that we would enjoy such a shit video as well.

Thought I'd leave you an uplifting quote for christmas.

☆☆Believe in your dreams and they may come true; believe in yourself and they will come true☆☆

Take care x

MathewK said...

Good grief half a million for that!!

The real question though is, did he say Happy Holidays or Merry Christmas?

Fidothedog said...

Yep half a million quid of our money to decorate the offices of government lackeys, still its just petty cash to them bastards.