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One illegal migrant I have no problem with.

Paddington Bear is to face his most terrifying adventure yet; a police interrogation over his immigration status.

A new Paddington novel, released to mark the 50th anniversary of his debut, is to be published next June.

Famously, the young bear was a stowaway on a ship from Peru; and, lacking the appropriate identity papers, he is arrested and interviewed by the police about his right to stay in England.

Michael Bond's Paddington books have sold more than 30 million copies in 30 languages since the marmalade-loving ursine first appeared in A Bear Called Paddington, half a century ago. However, this will be the first new novel since Paddington Takes The Test in 1979.

It is understood that Mr Bond, now 83, was reluctant to write a new novel without first settling on a storyline that updated the Paddington oeuvre into a strong contemporary setting.

**Well at least Paddington speaks English, doesn't claim benefits(as far as I am aware) and has not made any attempts to smuggle in the rest of his family or impose Sharia law in the UK. Migrants like Abu Hamza could learn a lot from him.

Besides we could never deport him he might end up in the Sudan!


3 people have spoken:

MathewK said...

Yeah, thats a funny one, don't forget, he doesn't sell drugs, rape, steal or murder either, a model citizen really.

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Hannah said...

I remember enjoying those books as a young child. Maybe that'll be on my wish list for (next) Christmas/birthday. It'll be the most recently-published book I've read in years. Nice post.