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Smoking in cars.

Many others have covered this one, the govt is looking at banning motorists from smoking behind the wheel of their own cars while driving them as part of their job, it has emerged.

Prof Richard West, the Government's leading smoking adviser, has called for a complete ban on smoking at the wheel.

He said: "It may seem draconian but the Government should legislate."

Well yes it is draconian, if a chap is in his own car - in effect his or her own property then they should damn well be able to smoke should they chose to do so.

Government should focus on important things like controlling migration, lowering taxes, keeping the streets safe or failing that - and they have been - maybe not losing our data almost every single day.

In short Prof West should take his large proboscis and keep it out of what his not his or the states business. In short fuck off and sit down with a nice cup of shut the fuck up.


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