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Un-named royal - Vicount Linley - 2 accused in court.

Two men accused of blackmail.

Have appeared in the Viscount Linley case, thats the UK royal who can not be named....
The junior member of the Royal Family, who cannot be named for legal reasons, was not directly involved and is not due to be a witness.
Did I say Viscount Linley? Sorry, yes I know the rest of the world can read about it but we have a notice slapped on it in the UK and so we can not mention in any way Viscount Linley, neither can any UK news media mention that Viscount Linley is the minor royal in question. No not Viscount Linley, nothing to do with Viscount Linley, not going to mention Viscount Linley.

Just making it clear that the law in the UK is to be noted and people will take notice of it, even out side of our legal reach and not mention Viscount Linley.

Previous bit on a minor royal named Viscount Linley, who can not be named.

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