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Council tax being spent on spin.

New Labour with their love of spending money on PR, merchants of spin and innumerable advisor's, consultants, pen pushers and dubious accountants are the cause of this.

Councils have mealy copied what they see national government doing.

They see national government employing people to put their views across, cover up bad news, pump out press releases and they do the same.

Want lower council tax bills then insist that your councilors remove the PR, prune their ever expanding council papers, reduce their websites and get back to emptying bins, running schools and the things that councils used to do properly...

Council tax doubles in ten years thanks to heavy PR spending

Look at your Council Tax bill now. It is twice as much as 10 years ago.

And, during a time of subdued inflation, have you got twice as much in services from your council? The likelihood is that what you have got is a whole lot more 'spin'. According to the first in the TaxPayers' Alliance Council Spending Uncovered series, the average local authority spends almost £1m (£985,000) on publicity - double what it did 10 years ago. - Money Market UK

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