

The National Debt Clock.

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DVLA - Blood sucking parasites.

EDINBURGH The DVLA has prompted a furore by trawling army barracks for out-of-date tax discs while soldiers are serving overseas.

Detector vans began operating around army homes at Glencorse and Dreghorn Barracks near Edinburgh recently and will continue the crackdown at other barracks at other garrisons.

Angus Robertson MP, the Scottish National Party’s defence spokesman, said: “To target our service personnel in this way is shortsighted and mean-spirited.”

Both the MoD and the DVLA refused to comment.

**Total fucking cunts. Still they get their orders from the other set of cunts we have running the country(New Labour), so it is understandable if morally reprehensible.



3 people have spoken:

AngryDave said...

Is it not bad enough that the cunts in government are going out of the way to make sure as many of our boys die as it is that now they want to fucking fine them for tax discs being out of date. I haope one of them brings back a 'spare' rpg and blows the fucking dvla to bits. CUNTS!

AngryDave said...

Is it not bad enough that the cunts in government are going out of the way to make sure as many of our boys die as it is that now they want to fucking fine them for tax discs being out of date. I haope one of them brings back a 'spare' rpg and blows the fucking dvla to bits. CUNTS!

Anonymous said...

The DVLA, The Government, The Councils, they're all the same just bottom feeders, leeches that will suck the life out the UK.

I currently have them giving me a penalty for tax evasion, problem being I informed them in 2006 that the car they are trying to get me for, was written off when a van driver went into the back of me.

I have their debt collection agency calling me every day for the money, but I'm not going to pay for yet more incompetence.

Our government doesn't work for us, it works for themselves and their second homes, nice cars, expensive holidays.