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Gordon Brown - Fails at maths.

Hat Tip to Guido

On the Downing Street website Brown's second sentence in his speech on developing the English language reads "Today more than a billion people speak English, a third of humanity."

One third? So is he saying that the population of Earth is at 3 billion?

The world population is estimated to be in excess of 6 billion.

So only slightly out there! Unelected PM Brown shows that he has no idea of how to add up figures.

Just shows that even an ex public school boy like Brown did not pay attention in maths!Then again the monovisioned one does not do elections or referendums come to think about it.

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2 people have spoken:

Anonymous said...

You have misunderstood.

Brown knew exactly what he was saying.

One third of one half of the planet's population speak english.

The point is that one half of the population are not (insert your own tribal origin here) and are therefore unfit to be considered human.

Fidothedog said...

True, I just like fisking Brown and his make it up as you go along figures.