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High-tax Britain - Cyclops Brown gets up thrown out of club.

Britain has slipped out of the ranks of fully "free" countries in this year's Heritage Index of Economic Freedom, reflecting the sharp rise in the tax burden and ballooning state sector.

The country has continued to slide down the league under Gordon Brown's economic management, falling from fifth to tenth place over the last two years. It has been overtaken by Canada, Chile, Switzerland, Australia, and the United States.

Britain now scores below 80 points on a range of key indicators, dropping into the "mostly free" camp with Germany, Japan, Bahrain, Armenia and Trinidad.

Two eurozone shockers are Italy (64), and Greece (80), now ranked lowered than most of the old Communist bloc.

The ever harsher verdict on Britain comes as Mr Brown's tax and spend policies begin to reshape the basic structure of the UK plc, transforming it from one of Europe's leanest fiscal states to one of the most bloated.

"Total government expenditures, including consumption and transfer payments, are very high. Government spending has been rising since the 1990s and in the most recent year equaled 44.7 percent of GDP," said the UK country report.

**Brown stated that he wanted to be judged on his record, so lets have him call an election and fuck off to Europe where the rest of the useless cunts like Neil Kinnock & his good lady wife have ended up.

Then again the monovisioned one does not do elections or referendums come to think about it.

The index is complied by the Heritage Foundation, a free market think tank that once served as the brain-trust of the Reagan Administration.

It defines economic freedom as "the absence of constraint on the production, distribution or consumption of goods and services beyond the extent necessary for citizens to protect and maintain liberty itself".

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