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Leslie Ash - £5m compensation

From the BBC:
Actress Leslie Ash has won a record £5m compensation payout after contracting a hospital-acquired infection.
"Most of the value of the award is either past loss of earnings or prospective future loss of earnings."

As the the appalling strangeness explains "I rather doubt that I would get £5m. In fact, I think £3.50 in compensation would be a push…"

£5 million quid for getting a bug an having to walk with a stick. Ok so she deserved some compensation but 5 million? Far to much. Hell our brave troops get limbs blown off an get no where near that amount of money.

Also I am sure that Leslie Ash was able to represent her side of the arguement with a fine legal team, way out of the financial ability of the ordinary person.

As for the prospective future earnings, well yeah she has a stick but lets be brutally honest here she is no top thespian from stage or screen and I am sure that she is still able to "act" in the same way that she did before.

But wait how did she end up in hospital? Well the BBC explains:
Ms Ash had been admitted to hospital in April 2004 after suffering two cracked ribs after falling off her bed on to a table during a love-making session with her husband, retired footballer Lee Chapman.
Now sure she deserves some compensation but could the trusts legal people not argue that were she not making the beast with two backs and practicing "safe sex" that she would not have ended up in hospital in the first place? Just a thought...
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2 people have spoken:

MathewK said...

"Hell our brave troops get limbs blown off..."

Now you see Fido, it's just not the leftist way mate, troops, they put their lives on the line, to protect the scum running the joint, the paper pushers and other such parasites.

An actress, come on, apply a bit of leftie logic here (i know it's hard), she's worth much more. *spit*

Fidothedog said...

True, why help the troops when they can feather their own nests .