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Peter Hain - NO IFS, NO BUTS

The below is from the Department for Work & Pensions.

There are NO IFS, NO BUTS when it comes to benefit fraud. Deliberately withholding information that affects your claim is stealing. That’s why we are targeting benefit thieves!

The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) takes benefit theft very seriously. Although the vast majority of people who claim benefits are honest, those who commit benefit theft are picking the pockets of law-abiding taxpayers. In 2006-07 benefit thieves stole an estimated £700 million from public funds, that's why we are determined to stop benefit thieves.

All benefit theft is a crime and those found breaking the law face a criminal record. NO IFS, NO BUTS.

**So Peter Hain, the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, who's with his team admitted failing to declare more than £100,000 in donations, an "administrative failing" should take note of that and resign. After all if the only support down here in South Wales that he can get is that of backbench MP Paul Flynn, a man who has been found guilty of libel and so a proven liar then things don't look so good.

After all we all know that Flynn is the first to jump on the slightest hint of sleaze from any other party, whilst ignoring the double standards of an MP, who having defamed a company and that of its employees could have ruined both the lives of said employees and their reputation in the community.

Were I Peter Hain the last person I would ever want on my side would by the disgraceful sack of shit Paul Flynn MP. Then again
"By their friends shall ye know them."

Remember NO IFS, NO BUTS...

From Guido...Another £10,000 quid...

In February last year Peter Hain decided it was of great importance to be photographed presenting Mike Cuddy, Managing Director of Cuddy Group, with the NQA 18001 Award Occupational Health & Safety. As good a thing as it is, does it really merit the presentation by the Welsh Minister, glowing endorsement and photo-op? He was too busy to pay attention to his campaign finances because of his work in Northern Ireland he spins. Yet he had plenty of time for Cuddy Group. NQA 18001 is "awarded" for documenting your company's approach to occupational health and safety. It is essentially for an office manual written by a junior in human resources.

Presenting the certificate Peter Hain said "With their accolade of awards continuing to grow I’m sure the Cuddy Group can look forward to a successful future."

He also said thanks to Mike Cuddy for the £10,000 donation to his campaign... which he then forgot to declare.

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2 people have spoken:

Anonymous said...

Funny to see Peter "pitch Ripper" Hain get caught out with some dodgy donations. Can't blame this one on BOSS the South African Secret Service who fitted him up with armed robbery charges in 1970s. Any chance of deporting Hain back to his home country? I'm sure Mr Mugabe would welcome a politician of his money sorry caliber.

Fidothedog said...

Perma tan and Mugabe? Well why not they are both the same near enough...