

The National Debt Clock.

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Read this dull lying cunt Paul Flynn's shit.

Talk about trying to avoid a crisis in his own party. Again what a worthless lying cunt. Still thats all one can expect from a craven proven libel case losing MP(Paul Flynn - New Labour). An MP who thinks so much of his constituents that he doesn't live near them, but he has no sense of humour and is also anti-democracy having voted for ID cards.

Flynn an others are cheering him (Hain) for "bringing the Ryder Cup to Wales".

Yet no comment about Mr perma tan Peter "pitch ripper" Hain receiving a £1,500 donation to his campaign from PGA Ryder Cup PR firm TM Communications. More here...(Hat Tip Guido)

But also thousands of foreign nationals who took jobs illegally as security guards have been issued with national insurance numbers by the Department that Peter "Pitch Ripper" Hain oversees!


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