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From Private Eye - Letter about Paul Flynn

Saw this letter in the Private Eye magazine No.1204. So good I had to type it and post it.

Sir, Is the Paul Flyn, MP for Newport, who so fulsomely congratulated Peter Hain on his "eighth successive year of distinguished service as Sec. of State for Wales" the same Paul Flynn, MP for Newport, who in his 1999 book, Dragons led by poodles, described him as having "been compared with Odo, Star Trek's shape-shifter who liquefies at the end of each day and sleeps in a bucket then later emerges in any shape he wishes"? Apparently Hain had "the capacity of being on all sides - simultaneously". Somewhat mysteriously Flynn referred to him at that time as having succeeded to the Welsh Office "without a shudder of guilt". Not how he left it, eh!

The letter was by someone called John Newsinger, well said sir!

Oh it might be time to mention that Paul Flynn like former -accused bank robber Hain - is also someone to which the truth is something he has only a passing relationship with. Having been found wanting in a libel case:

Handy link to Flynn's apology to Endowment Justice

Still what with the election due in the next few years, Mr Flynn fears the party may deselect him, so he plays the party line to the hilt, as I said before:

Still Mr Flynn is nothing more than a New Labour rent-boy who is desperate to spread his cheeks for the party to avoid deselection come the next election. Should he cause any trouble and stop waving the flag for the contemptable little shit Hain he faces being replaced by someone off an all women shortlist aka Jessica Morden our other Newport MP- who is Mr Hain's PPS by the way....

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2 people have spoken:

Anonymous said...

To compare Peter Hain to Rene Aberjonies' fantasic character is an insult to Trekkers everywhere. Paul Flynn obiviously has no taste.

Fidothedog said...

I agree, in fact comparing either Hain or Flynn to a decent turd is doing a dis-service to the turd.