Jacqui Smith has called all 43 chief constables to an urgent summit on crime involving immigrants, it has emerged.
The Home Secretary has also ordered a full investigation of the problem by the Government's Migration Impacts Forum.
It follows a series of warnings by chief constables that they do not have the resources to cope with a crimewave linked to foreign nationals - who are committing up to one in every five offences in one police force area.
Last month, it emerged that Britain's highest ranking black policeman had warned Miss Smith his force was struggling to cope with a rise in crime by immigrants.
Mike Fuller, the Chief Constable of Kent, said that "migration surges" had contributed to an increase of more than a third in violent crime over five years to 7,800 incidents in 2007.Other chief constables have given similar warnings, including Cambridgeshire's Julie Spence.
She said the effect of immigration had seeped into all areas of policing. Migrants with 'different standards' got into difficulties because they were unfamiliar with traffic laws.
In the Metropolitan Police area, foreign nationals are responsible for more than one in five crimes.
Around a third of all sex offences and a half of all frauds in the London area are carried out by non-British citizens.
The biggest offenders are Poles, who have moved to Britain in record numbers since the expansion of the EU. In the first six months of 2007 they were responsible for 583 violent attacks and 32 sex offences.
Romanians, who joined the EU in January last year, are fifth on the list with more than 1,000 offences - an eightfold rise on the same period in 2006, according to Metropolitan Police figures for solved crimes.
**She had best get his finger out on this one otherwise it won't be safe for a Home Sec to wander the streets of an evening and we can't have Miss Smith going without a kebab...Tags: crime, illegals, Cool Britannia, barbarians, law
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