We signed(well David Milicunt of Foreign Sec. signed at the behest of unelected PM Cyclops on our behalf without giving us a say), now our laws come from Europe like it or not:
All new cars are to be fitted with automatic daytime headlights within four years.
The Government previously opposed the idea on the grounds that using lights in the daytime would increase fuel consumption and emissions, but conceded it was unable to oppose European legislation.
In response to a parliamentary question, Jim Fitzpatrick, the road safety minister, said: "The UK has been successful in arguing against the introduction of mandatory use of dipped headlamps during daylight hours by drivers of existing vehicles.
"However, from early 2011 all new types of passenger cars and light vans will have to be fitted with dedicated daytime running lamps in accordance with the relevant European directive. By summer 2012, all new vehicles will have to be so fitted."The move will anger motoring groups, which claim fuel consumption and carbon dioxide emissions increase by three per cent when drivers use dipped lights.
But the European Commission says that the lights increase fuel consumption by only 0.3 per cent because they use separate bulbs that are less bright than headlights.
Even the environmental types think its a bad idea but they like the rest of us are stuck with the idea as Europe not the UK says its going through.
The government, although considering that 75%+ of our rules/laws now come via Euro land it hardly deserves the name, wouldn't normally admit that they can do not a fucking thing about this if they were not trying to avoid a backlash.
Well Labour voters do you feel proud now? Even the worthless shower you chose can not represent you any more as they sold that right away by signing the treaty. Europe is going to be a long and painful ass ride for this nation and thanks to Gordon we lack even a jar of vaseline to ease the pain!
Tags: eu, daylight headlights, cool britannia, moobats, global boring
5 people have spoken:
Now, now, then.
Thats democracy soviet style everybody gets what nobody wants, but mention the word Marxism and this government is falling over itself to sign up.
Why do they want these lights, is it for safety or something, increased visibility? I don't know but won't people just get used to it and tune it out like so much else in our lives.
On another note, is there any point for the UK government anymore, if your laws are coming from there, you can't fight anyone without the permission of some paper-pushers in Brussels. Just toss the tossers out, why pay these useless fools for nothing.
Of course there is still a point to this government.
They must see through to the end their plan to replace the current British peoples with a superior Islamic prototype from Arabia and beyond.
Only then will their visions of a true and wonderous Marxism, be entirely compatable with the new Islamic state they are so desperate to create.
Then they can all hop off to the good old U.S of A. and seek political asylum!!.
Convenient that a proposal which increases fuel consumption is not opposed by a government that gets over 80% of the cost of fuel as tax.
Most important point is that even areas the govt opposed they have to give way on as they have signed away the rights to oppose these points.
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