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Youth Drinking & New Labour

More New Labour fuckwittery.

Thousands of children face having a criminal record if they are caught holding a can of beer, under plans being considered by ministers.

The proposals would mean that any under-18s found by police with alcohol would receive a criminal conviction, which would have to be declared to future employers.

Right so lets see that will lead to one of two things happening: First off the young person declares their conviction for possession of a can of Stella and is turned down for a job, thus adding to the numbers claiming benefits.

Or it is laughed at, thus treating the law with contempt. Many an employer may well think that downing a can is hardly something worthy of criminal courts - a sledgehammer to crack a nut solution.

Maybe the government would be better off thinking up some proper policies instead. Mind if they looked back at an act that they have passed then they would see that there is already a law in place to deal with this situation.

I refer the Home Sec. to the following:

Under the Confiscation of Alcohol (Young Persons) Act 1997, police can confiscate cans of lager or bottles of wine if they reasonably believe that teenagers are drinking, or are about to drink, the alcohol.
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2 people have spoken:

Stopmakingsense said...

This is whats known as - Find every and any situation posible to put adolescent DNA onto the national database for future big brother reference.

Think Stalin

Think Animal Farm

Think Nu Labour

Fidothedog said...

I think in time it will be criminal not to be on the database.