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Apeal to save the Hereford Arms

We here a lot in the media about how drinking is the 21st Century curse, that all the folk of the UK are doing is going on a 24 hour drinking binge.

Sadly more and more of our decent local pubs are going to the wall, leaving us with soul less beer dispensers like JD Wetherspoon(the Mc'Donalds of the beer world).

Another local in Newport looks to be headed for extinction, turned into yet more flats.

The removal of pubs from an area is a negative that impacts heavily on the local community. They are a focus for the community, a meeting place and often - like the Hereford - have been on the site a long time and are a part of the local history.

Should pubs like The Hereford vanish people have to travel further to meet up, they are less likely to stay in touch with the local community and all to fragile ties can be broken.

Sadly a part of the local history that is all too often overlooked when it comes to redevelopment in an area.

One only has to look at the campaign in Newport over both the mural in John Frost Square that people were desperate to save and the other local campaign that saved the Newport ship. Yet when it comes to local pubs we are all to often quiet when they are removed for "redevelopment" and before we know it another part of our history has gone for good.
Crossposted from Brew Wales.

One of the last back-street local pubs in Newport is set to be turned into flats. The popular Hereford Arms in Maindee, the only true free house in the area is under threat of closure. This friendly community pub is popular with bikers and offers 1 real ale from independent breweries such as Wye Valley, Brains and Freeminer. It also offers bottled real ales from other breweries such as Fullers. The pub also has traditional pub games such as Shove Ha'penny and a pool table. The company owning this pub now want this Victorian corner pub to be turned into flats. Help us save the pub by writing to Newport Council objecting to the closure.

Mr Ian Carter
Planning Officer
Newport City Council
Civic Centre
Gwent,NP20 4UR
South Wales,

quoting reference number 08/0336

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