

The National Debt Clock.

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Braindead follower of the pedophile has a sulk over cartoons.

Blah blah blah, death to the west. Etc etc etc.

Well he addressed it to the intelligent ones in the EU, well not many of them - least ways outside of UKIP that is! - the reply is simple.

Fuck off.

This is all.

2 people have spoken:

Anonymous said...

Some news just in - but not from either the BBC, or govermental sources;

British homeowners are being warned about three keys that can open 73% of doors, 84% of cars and 92% of padlocks.....

They are dar-keys, Pak-keys and pie-keys.........

Fuck political corectness, Ive had enough of it.

The only emotion I've now got for these left wing tossers is that of outright contempt......

Fidothedog said...

Like the joke. :-)