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Is this the shittiest place to live in Britain? Shipston-on-Stour home of Tessa Jowell

Both sleaze ridden Tessa Jowell and pikeys in the same place.

Watch house prices nosedive.

Although the gipsies claimed yesterday to be unaware she has a home so near until after they moved in, there is an undoubted irony in their choice of location. For Miss Jowell was involved in the controversial eviction of gipsies from Newham and Hackney, East London, to prepare for the 2012 Olympics..

A case of payback for sleazey Tessa but my sympathies are with the other residents near her. First they had to deal with the odeous stink of a New Labour minister living amongst them and now the poor people have to deal with gypsies moving in.

Mind you at least the pikeys are honest(ish) when they plan to fuck you over...

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