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Konnie Huq - Carrying the torch for China.

Blue Peter presenter Konnie Huq will carry the Olympic torch through London next Sunday.

The Ealing born star defended her decision:

After much consideration, I have decided to take part in this ceremony because I am committed to the Olympic ideals which reach out to people across the globe.

Unless they live in Tibet or other places oppressed by dictators. She attempted to salve her conscience with this:
"My participation does not in any way indicate support for the harsh and oppressive manner in which the Chinese regime continues to treat the people of Tibet and which I find despicable."
Well sorry but it does. You are waving the flag, well torch in this point for the Chinese dictatorship. It is rather strange how the glare of free publicity can make so many people from our politicians to Konnie cast aside morals and all thoughts of Tibetans being tortured in Chinese jail cells.

She carried on in much the same way with this comment:
"I am also carrying the torch for London 2012, which I believe will be an event which will enhance the lives of everyone in the capital as well as encapsulating all the true Olympian values."
Oh please don't attempt to compare the two. There is a world of difference between our nation and the actions of China.

She is under the illusion that she can smile sweetly at the cameras without some of the shit sticking to her, well she is wrong. The blood of Tibetans is on her hands just as it is on the hands of the Chinese government.

Still Konnie is the latest in a long line of apologists, appeasers and people who think that they can't really make a difference so they might as well support an appalling system.

No doubt she will argue that if not me then someone else, well she might and that is still an argument that holds no water with me. Unlike the Tibetan protesters who maybe getting waterboarded as we speak...

China's ambassador to Britain Fu Ying told the BBC:
"There's a lot more awareness about the influence of politics and there are better means for solving political problems, but you don't solve them on the football ground, you don't solve them in the swimming pool,"
Talking of solving them on the football field...
Well Konnie will go down in history, much the same way that the England squad did in Germany on the 14th May 1938. When captain Eddie Hapgood and team issued a nazi salute to the crowd at the pre-match ceremoies.

Next week Konnie shows us how to make an electrical shock rod(Chinese govt approved) from some toilet roll tubes, some wire and sticky back plastic....

So Konnie to paraphrase Capt Jean-Luc Picard: "Fuck off and make it so."

2 people have spoken:

Dave Snark said...

That's an absolutely disgusting news piece. It never amazes me how low media darlings can go in the name of publicity and their own ego's. If she really wanted to 'reach out' and improve the world a very public snub of the despotic Chinese would be the best way.

Anonymous said...

Personally, I think we should boycott the games in China. I alrady boycott everything fucking chink until they sort their shite out.

We are encouraging and financing international communism.