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New Labour - gagging free speech. - Des Browne not happy.

This is just plain wrong on so many fucking levels. First off quite where to the shits who make up government get off on telling people that they can not do their job which might mean on occasion making comments that criticize the govt.

Hell if they provided the proper level of care that they were supposed to for our troops we might not have so many of them coming back home in body bags.

Then again if they did not sex up dossiers and lie with every breath of air they take then again we might have some more of our valued soldiers still with us.

Of course the main point of this is to make coroners and other officials take a second thought before publishing their findings, to make people who deal with government take pause and think they might end up in trouble, lose their contract or in some other way keep their head down and not rock the boat for the political turds in the House of Commons.

Of course had one, just one of the New Labour lot a fraction of the political balls that coroner Mr Walker has they might have resigned when Blair thought he was going to have his jolly little war and dreamed that all the troops would be back home in ol' Blighty by Christmas.

And just like in 1914 the war is going on a bit longer than planned.

Ministers have launched a legal battle to curb coroners' criticisms of the Ministry of Defence at inquests on British troops.

The move follows outspoken verdicts on deaths in Iraq and Afghanistan from Oxfordshire assistant deputy coroner Andrew Walker.

Lawyers for the MoD yesterday asked the High Court to stop Mr Walker accusing it of "serious failures".

He has used such terms repeatedly to describe lack of equipment or fatally flawed procedures.

The MoD move brought a furious reaction from campaigners and bereaved relatives.

They accused Defence Secretary Des Browne of trying to gag coroners and "censor" their findings.

Roger Smith, director of the campaign group Justice, said: "It is the coroner's job to investigate deaths and if they find serious failings by any authority - including the MoD - it is their job to say so.

**Still thats New Labour through and through, they despise the troops, they despise the media and anyone who dares question them and their right to rule as they see fit. After all how dare someone do his job and in doing so question government ineptitude that costs soldiers their lives.

Still maybe once they get the gag in place they won't have to worry about leaks with regard them losing more and more of our data.

And despite unelected PM Gordon saying that we would all forget the many govt fuck up's with regard them losing our data, well I for one have not forgotten.


2 people have spoken:

Unknown said...

What is it about these government ministers?.

There either Commies or Former Scottish briefs.

A fucking potent mixture if you ask me....

When the revolution comes we'll see you in court perhaps?.

Don't really think they've thought this one through properly, but meanwhile the rest of us need a restraining order to keep these tossers as far away from our soldiers as humanly possible - and damned fast....

Fidothedog said...

They love power, free speech is something that threatens their power.