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2 Jags/2 inch(5.08 cm) - John Prescott on peace mission.

Our former Deputy PM John Prescott according to this article is off to Armenia to defuse political crisis.

Definately one for the you could not make it up section.

Yes former cruise ship waiter John who's last recorded expenses was the princely sum of £124,696, is being sent to help keep the peace. But as we all know John has been featured in the news for his peace work before: Video of John Prescott's previous peace mission.

The same moral crusader who kept an affair going with an aide for years behind his wifes back, and when she broke the story it was her who was fired for breaking civil service rules.

That said John has a small cock, some 2" by all accounts in The Sun: That story from The Sun again, and its 5.08 centimeters(for europeans out there)

So Armenia has problems and who blags the job of "helping" them? Fat amoral sewer rat Prescott, a repulsive woman hassler, a dishonest bloke-lets be fair if he lies to his good lady wife for years- he has some practice at being shifty.

Armenia has my thoughts, good luck to them, they will need it!

The story of St Prescott waddling to the rescue.

John Prescott is heading European human rights delegation to Armenia in an attempt to defuse the country's growing political crisis.

The Hull East MP's two-day trip starts tomorrow at the request of the president of the Council of Europe's Parliamentary Assembly.

In a statement, the Council of Europe said Mr Prescott would "assess the post-electoral situation" in Armenia and "explore possibilities for defusing the current political crisis and promoting dialogue".

Mr Prescott was the head of an official observer team monitoring the Armenian presidential elections in February.

Last weekend a state of emergency was declared after a wave of violence swept the country.

Go on
slap John Prescott


2 people have spoken:

MathewK said...

Perhaps they should turn him back at the airport, tell him it's all sorted, thanks and to go home.

Fidothedog said...

Just what the nation needs a fat pie eating fuck that hassles women.