

The National Debt Clock.

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A quick notice to the BMA(British Medical Association) - Fuck Off.

But what the fucking hell is it about doctors that makes them believe that they have the God given right to dictate not only how we should behave but also to try to use their influence to push Govt. policy?
People should be fined £100 for being drunk in public, even if they do not cause a nuisance, a leading medic says.

Plastic surgeon Peter Mahaffey told the British Medical Journal police should carry breathalysers and fine those three times over the drink-drive limit.

He said by imposing fines the message would soon get across that binge-drinking was not acceptable.

Police already have powers to fine people between £50 and £80 who are drunk and disorderly - although under Mr Mahaffey's plans they would not need to be causing a nuisance to be punished - and ban drinking in public places.
Look that is social engineering, nothing else but. Sure when - and this is the main point - someone breaks the law then throw the full weight of the law at them.

For better or worse we live in - a largely free society despite the best efforts of health nazi's and New Labour - and that means people make their own choices for better or worse.

Based on the number of medical staff that I see down the local quaffing ale by the gallon - along with everything else the bar has to offer I think that they should put their own house in order first.

I refer the medical types and nanny state social engineering enthusiasts to this:

And he said unto them, Ye will surely say unto me this proverb, Physician, heal thyself: whatsoever we have heard done in Capernaum, do also here in thy country.

4 people have spoken:

Anonymous said...

60 years ago, these quacks were advising asthma sufferers to take up smoking! Look at the figures for use of illegal drugs, and alcoholism amongst the medical profession also.

MathewK said...

They nanny state rolls on eh. It's the logical progression when a nation refuses to take responsibility for its actions.

We're slowly heading down the same road i think.

Irish Tory said...

This has to do with the fact that they make hundreds of thousands of pounds every year, where a one hundred pound note is just about enough to buy lunch, unlike us who would have to cut down on food and drink for the next fortnight just to get by with out the bank fining us 30 pounds or so for exceding our overdraft limit.

Fidothedog said...

Typical BMA attitude, they just love to nanny us whilst doing as they please.