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Raise the drinking age to 21?

Some disjointed reporting from the BBC:
The legal age for buying alcohol could be raised to 21 under proposals being examined by the Scottish Government.

Ministers are considering raising the minimum age from 18, as part of a long-term strategy for tackling the country's drink problem.

Public Health Minister Shona Robison is due to present a number of proposals later in the year.

People in Scotland are twice as likely to die from alcohol-related deaths than elsewhere in the UK.

Ms Robison said nothing had yet been ruled in or out of the government's attempt to curb problem drinking.

A case of what the fuck? Under age folk are the problem according to the media, so quite how is raising the age to 21 when under 18's are happily breaking the law going to help in any way what so ever?

The only thing it will do is turn law abiding folk aged 18-20 into criminals if they fancy a drink, when previously they had been able to drink.

Still soundbite politics is a New Labour strong point, have to been seen to be doing something, anything, even if it is fucking stupid.

3 people have spoken:

Nightdragon said...

Well, I come from a country where the legal drinking age is 21. But that's been the culture regarding alcohol for a long time. You can't just shoe-horn a drinking-age change into Britain and expect things to change. Britain has another type of culture regarding alcohol and changing the drinking age, I agree, won't cure that.

Fidothedog said...

But this is Labour, they need to pass laws, create paperwork and quangos rather than use common sense,,,,

Anonymous said...

dont change the law it will not help and drive 18-20 year olds to breaking the law on drinking and stealing. you cannot expect this age group which have been able to go out to drink in pubs and clubs to automatically change thier lifestlye!its ridiculous!!!!!!!!!