Quite what is it with certain members of the BMA, they feel that they have to pontificate over each aspect of our lives and dictate from on high on what is best for us.
One of them by the name of Trish Groves now seems to think that the middle classes are getting hammered on a bottle of wine and well we are not grown ups able to make up our own minds but nothing more than sheep who need the guiding hand of the all wise BMA.
Sorry Trish Groves (Deputy Editor of The British Medical Journal) who thinks we are all too stupid and weak to be trusted with a whole bottle of wine, but fuck off.
Go back to doctoring, fixing bones and doling out pills that you and the rest of your ilk get a cushy backhanders for from the drug companies.
She Quotes:
Making half-bottles of wine cheaper and more available could quell the temptation to drink too much, Trish Groves said.
Ah curse that free choice, far better that free choice be taken away from us mere uneducated plebs ay Trish?
But she is not finished spouting shyte just yet:
Ms Groves said that sticking to recommended daily alcohol limits - two small glasses of wine a day for men, and less than that for women - could be a challenge once the cork had been popped on a standard-sized bottle of wine.
"It's all too tempting to finish the bottle there and then to avoid waste," she said.
"Coupled with the news that wine is getting stronger, it's no wonder Britain's middle classes are getting wasted."
Oh what great gems of wisdom we have there. Well couple of points, first off the recommended figures are complete and utter shit. Fag packet maths dreamed up out of nowhere, and here is the proof:linkGuidelines on safe alcohol consumption limits that have shaped health policy in Britain for 20 years were “plucked out of the air” as an “intelligent guess”.
The Times reveals today that the recommended weekly drinking limits of 21 units of alcohol for men and 14 for women, first introduced in 1987 and still in use today, had no firm scientific basis whatsoever.
Subsequent studies found evidence which suggested that the safety limits should be raised, but they were ignored by a succession of health ministers.
Secondly would not the fact that doctors etc are doling out more and more prescription drugs - the figures go up each year - be a more urgent issue to look at? Or would that hit our medical staff in the wallets? Far better to tut from on high at the middle classes for having a glass or four of plonk.
I will advise her lastly of one fact that she has overlooked, bottles of wine come with either a cork/screw top and so people can choose - that cursed free choice again - to leave the demon drink alone. So I advise Trish Groves to put a cork in it forthwith and to kindly fuck off out of our lives.
3 people have spoken:
Once they'de outlawed tobacco, alcohol was always going to be next on the medical hit list.
If nobody were allowed to drink or smoke, how easy would that make life for doctors then?.
I don't subscribe to the theory that the medical profession follow the Nu Labour doctrine. I believe that doctors - like Nu Labour politicians, strive exclusively, to look after number one.
Instead of screwing over the majority that can drink and behave themselves, how about horse-whipping the minority that cannot, and if no one's got the stomach for that, then just charge them for the damages/consequences of their stupid behavior.
Well said mk, however in Labours new world they have rights, its just the majority who have to give way.
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