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Broadband tax.

Internet service providers could face a new tax to help pay for unprofitable programmes shown on ITV and Channel 4, which may in turn lead to higher broadband charges for consumers.

**Look there is a reason that programmes are unprofitable, in short they are crap. As for the may, well that is a bloody certainty that should ISP's be shafted by a crap telly tax they will pass the charges onto the rest of us.

In short if TV and its programmes are failing then let it fail. Else we end up with yet more stations as bloated, biased and fucking evil as the vile and repulsive anti-semitic BBC. A state funded monster that eats up public money and believes it must not change.

The British Leyland of the broadcasting world.

I notice that they are mulling over the idea of splitting the BBC licence fee, this could be split between the BBC and other broadcasters. A far better idea would be to wean all telly off of the taxpayers teat.

They will cry and wail but all babies have to grow up and survive in the real world.

Another piss poor idea is that of "public interest programme". Once the telly bosses realise that they can blag some free subsidy for such broadcasts, you can bet that they will make as many programmes as possible contain "public interest" aspects.

4 people have spoken:

Anonymous said...

Another piss poor idea is that of "public interest programme". Once the telly bosses realise that they can blag some free subsidy for such broadcasts, you can bet that they will make as many programmes as possible contain "public interest" aspects.

How many Lee Jaspers making pro-black, claiming racism programmes for fortunes will we have? How many muslim programmes?

It would be inevitable that monorities...i.e. fucking rag heads, black racism victims[sic] or arse bandits, would corner the market in these subsidies.

Fidothedog said...

Agree with ya, you can bet whitey won't be classed as public interest...

MathewK said...

"**Look there is a reason that programmes are unprofitable, in short they are crap."

Most leftie inspired ideas are exactly that, crap, they won't survive if they never sponged off the productive.

defender said...

So dont pay willingly, let them rant rave and book you a date to go before the beak. If you are on the dole they take something out of it, if you are a working tax machine pay the day before the hearing by cheque sent by post. It absolutely fucks up their day.
The best though is to hold off paying any tax at all until they take you to court then pay it if you have run out of options, some are unavoidable like VAT. Its our tax they need not our love.