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A few little facts about China & Juan Antonio Samaranch

They have been supported by Juan Antonio Samaranch, president of the IOC from 1980 until 2001. Now El Presidenta for life.

Juan Antonio Samaranch is a man who likes exercise, he likes to stretch out his arm in a workout. This picture of Samaranch, fourth from right, doing his favourite right-arm exercise was taken in 1974 at a fascist ceremony in Barcelona.

Of course the IOC retained a number of prominent Nazis in its ranks after World War 2. Some might argue that the numbers have increased quite a bit in the years since...

Samaranch was pissed when Australia had the Olympics and has spoken out for China time after time, after time....

Then again the Olympic torch was down to the Nazi's and well even though they did get a rather bad press - what with starting WW2 and mass murder etc - the IOC is not one for wasting a good idea, especially if its head is a chum of a certain Spanish dictator.

Juan Antonio Samaranch steered the bid process and practically handed it to China on a plate, along with some Tibetan heads no doubt. Samaranch believed the Olympics had the power to promote world peace, as had been demonstrated so well by the former Chancellor of German a certain Mr A Hitler.

He also suggested that hosting the Games would encourage the totalitarian Chinese regime, post-Tiananmen, to treat dissenters with greater respect. And what with the 20 year prison term handed down to a Tibetan protester just the other day, we can clearly see that the Chinese have taken tolerance and respect on board. Well come on they did not shoot the chap, so by China's standards that is rather liberal.

Samaranch also stated that the Tibetan conflict is a political issue, not related to sports and that the IOC is a sports organization which cannot settle all things.

Then again, lets be fair its not like our football team at the German Olympics wanted to feel left out of all this nazi symbolism...
After all as everyone can see politics and sport must remain separate....

2 people have spoken:

Anonymous said...

Nick Griffin & Gordon Brown

Eye Eye & Pop Eye...

Do you have to be Long John fucking silver to lead a party in this God forsaken land today?

If Nu Liebour and the B.N.P. should ever unite, these two buffoons could go halfies at specsavers.

Fidothedog said...

One slight problem, Gordon is to gay to be a pirate.

He would nationise the pirate ship, squander the gold and then sell it at a loss-bit like real life