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Gordon's shame

Gordon meets the Olympic torch, with a hand picked group outside No. 10. No nasty Tibetan demonstrators there going on about human rights there..

In sucking up to Chinese murderers our Gordon shows New Labour's ethical foreign policy in action. After all got to keep the supply of MP3 players, cheap toys for kiddies and clothes pouring into the nation.The flame was taken through the streets of London, with Chinese minders and two rings of police to ensure its protection.

Lets just hope that come the local elections all the people who quite rightly protested the torch and China's poor human rights record and their genocide in Tibet vote for anyone bar the National Socialist Labour party who see nothing wrong with pandering to the Chinese.

2 people have spoken:

Anonymous said...

Look at him:

Standing there just wondering how he can get away with taxing the Olympic flame, for daring to produce harmful greenhouse gasses that are unquestionably at fault, for one of his countless and incompetent charades, that of "Global Warming".

MathewK said...

Surprising that Gordon would be sucking up to the Chinese, even our own PM gave them a bit of a serve and we stand to lose a lot if we piss them off.